Moon Trance Sheet Music w/ KARAOKE Play Along Tracks
*This is Violin sheet music.
Violin Solo, Piano Accompaniment, Simplified Solo, KARAOKE Play-Along Track, and Piano Play-Along Track Included.
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Moon Trance - play with the sound
This is just great fun. If you play electric violin, it's worth playing around with the sound a bit. I use a Boss ME70 multi FX Pedal
Beginners Try
I am somewhat a beginner at violin and this song is great! Love the option for the simplified version. Very challenging, but really exciting. Can't wait to buy my next Lindsey Stirling piece.
I love this song and the spooky atmosphere it has. Some sections can be a little tough but it is worth the purchase.
French review :)
I think this is the best product that you can hope for if you want to play Lindsey Stirling music. The karaoke makes it easy to follow the music with the violin, and even though it's a difficult song you don't get lost. You always know where the music is just by listening to the karaoke and playing along with the track :)
Great song to have!
My browser crashed during the payment process, so I purchased it again - but later I discovered, that both purchases were counted. I contacted customer service, and one day later I got the money for one purchase back! This is some awesome service and the price is sooo unbelievable fair !
It's an awesome piece to play. Great backtrack and accompanied piano piece. I really enjoy playing this song :D
Difficult, but worth it!
This is not easy sheet music; in fact, I really struggled with it. While the sheet music is, as usual, clear and well-written, it's just difficult to play the song as fast as Lindsey does with all of the octave shifts and runs. However, I love this sheet music, and recommend it to anyone wanting a challenge. The only thing I can think of to improve it would be to include a "beginner" version, like what is done with Lindsey's piano versions of the songs. I don't know if that's even possible, but then again, I didn't think it was possible to have a dubstep backtrack included in my purchase either! Thank you Lindsey, and keep up the good work!