Spontaneous Me Sheet Music w/ KARAOKE
*This is Violin sheet music.
Violin Solo, Piano Accompaniment, Simplified Solo, KARAOKE Play-Along Track, and Piano Play-Along Track Included.
Written exactly the way Lindsey performs it on her recording! Please note that the The sheet music for “Spontaneous Me” matches that of Lindsey's original song from her album, which is longer than Lindsey’s music video of the song featured on YouTube. If you want the sheet music to match what Lindsey plays on her video, begin playing at measure 29, cut measures 64-67, cut measures 78-79, cut from measure 86 to 94, and cut from 104 to 106.
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So easy to read and play!
This piece is what I've been looking for. I've tried classical, irish fiddle, fiddle, and contemporary. This genre, whatever it may be, is the best. Especially Lindey's music. :D
Excellent piece of music
Another great and challenging piece from Lindsey. It's nice because it is not to difficult to learn, but pretty tough to nail at full speed (never mind dancing and jumping like she does). This will make practicing fun and rewarding. As with most of Lindsey's music, it's not really made for beginners. Intermediate and advanced violinists will have a blast! ... PLEASE MAKE A BACKTRACK FOR THIS ONE!!!
Addicting Song
This piece is absolutely addicting! I can't get it out of my head and I don't want it to. It is definitely one of my top favorites.
Great song :D
I love this song!!!!!!
Most excellent
see headline
Thoughts of an Australian Flutist Irish Pub-goer
Fun fun fun! This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I'd found Music at an early age. It's a memorable and pretty little tune with some beautiful fast syncopated rhythms that seem to pop out once you get the patterns into your mind, and fingers. You'd probably say it's in a minor key, not quite the sad minor, more of a happy minor. Almost, but not quite the Celtic feel with it's augmented 6th (Irish Dorian mode) either, but the intervals and rhythms do breath a shimmer of that old world spirit into it. Let's just say its a bit different. For learner's, that means everyone I guess: I've played a few dry studies on odd/even syncopation. This piece is as instructional as any on the 3 over 4 rhythms but way more fun. The 3 note musical 'words' skip over the even semi-quaver base, like a child too excited to speak. The main musical theme or motif (2 bars, or 1 bar in it's fast-quipped form) then snaps the hyperactivity back into the flow and, to continue the metaphor, our child finds her words again, for a little while. It's a nice musical bridge to cross and that crossing is what makes this piece so engaging. The piano accompaniment by David Russell (youtube DavidRussell323) introduces some nice ideas that take their cue from Lindsey's part, but diverge and then reconcile with the soloist in an interesting and pleasing way. There's quite a lot of interpretive work to be done here if you can rope an ivory tinkler into sharing the journey with you. It shouldn't be too hard, there's a Youtube full of inspiration to help you sell the idea. There's also chord indications throughout if your guitarist & rock band buddies want to join in. Now I'm a flute player, as a hobby, not work. So fun is important. There be lots of fun flute ideas out there. Lindsey's music is definitely part of that, despite being for violin. In the end, the music rises above the tools of it's creation and we all get to share its joy, with a little effort. That became more apparent to me as I stumbled across Miss Stirling's work for the first time just last week. Playing a flute with and around her lovely violin is going to be a big part of me from now on. My Guinness-sodden Irish Bar friends will be getting a bit of Lindsey Love as well :)
Very fun and well crafted!
Lindsey's music is one of a kind! I have been searching for fun, upbeat, violin music for a while and this is definitely it. I played violin through middle and high school, but not much over the last year and a half. With that being said, after a few hours of practice I was able to play it reasonably well, although quite a bit slower than Lindsey! Part of what makes it so playable is how well the sheet music is written. It is very readable and has plenty of markings. I plan to buy all the other song's sheet music as soon as I can. Thanks Lindsey :)